How Genderless Beauty Brands Are Growing?

Like a gender-reveal party in overturn, much of the beauty plus genderless beauty brands industry is cutting ties with rigid marketing plus branding, moving towards a market that focuses on gender-neutral beauty. A cleanser functions as well on a man’s skin as it does a woman’s, so why isolate half the consumer base? Makeup and men's beauty tips can be fun or practical and can serve the intention of any wearer, despite of gender expression. Why continue the myth that only women can use it, and exclusively out of necessity? Conventionally makeup plus beauty products have been exclusively focused on a very narrow view of the ‘ideal consumer’ – a cis woman customer, frequently white and (ironically) young. So why have beauty brands been ignoring the respite of the population for so long, when those very people present an outstanding occasion for making more money? The answer is a complex one, wrapped up in conventional gender roles, decades-old study that shows that the mainstre...